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캐나다 real 생활영어

캐나다 초등학교 온라인개학, 선생님의 숙제 폭탄메일!

지난 한주 봄방학을 끝내고 다시 온라인수업이 시작되었어요. 월요일이 되자. 선생님이 과제 폭탄메일을 보내셨어요. 와우! 첨부파일만 5개나 되네요.

캐나다는 휴교가 아니라 처음부터 가정학습으로 교육을 계속하고 있었어요. 봄방학전 1주 가정학습 시작했었고, 봄방학 1주, 그리고 이번주 가정학습 2주차입니다.

*아래 번역글은 의역 덩어리입니다. 주의요망!

Hello Families!

Welcome back from Spring Break!  Hope you are well and you got some exercise, played outside, relaxed, rested and enjoyed family.  We are starting Week 2 of School-At-Home.  Remember to try to follow a daily schedule or routine to balance work, rest, and family.
두번째 가정학습주가 시작되었어요. 일과표에 따르면서 일과 휴식, 가족은 균형을 유지하는게 중요합니다.

Thank you to all of you who sent in your completed assignments.  Wow!  I am still going through them to track and mark your work submitted.  If you still have 1 or 2 assignments to complete it is not too late to get them in.  Remember, this is a new term and we want to keep up with our work.
학생들이 보내준 과제 잘봤어요. 지금 새로운 학기가 시작된 것을 잘 염두해두고 계속 잘해나가길바랍니다.


Hopefully, everyone has had a chance to get onto SeeSaw at home to make sure your SeeSaw Home Learning Code works.  I hope you and your parents have read my last email and the division letter, and used the video links for the introductory tutorials.  If you haven’t, you should make an effort to do this in the next couple of days.
(Seesaw라는 앱이 있는데 선생님과 학생이 자료와 숙제를 주고 받고, 학부모는 자녀가 올린 과제에 코멘트를 달 수도 있어요)
바라건데, 모두 Seesaw 앱을 사용하고 있기를 바랍니다. 사용법 동영상 링크를 지난 메일보냈고, 만약 아직 못했다면 며칠내에 되도록 노력해주세요.

I have attached most of your assignments from me for this week to this email.  Two more assignments are below in this Email, the Science Link’n Think for Simple Machines and your Daily Wake Up.  I will send your Math assignment later this morning.  (Your Music, French and Gym assignments will be on SeeSaw.)  All assignments are due Friday, April 10 unless otherwise stated.  (Please remember, this Friday is Good Friday so you may want to complete your assignments by Thursday.)
이번주 과제 대부분은 이 메일에 첨부해놨습니다. 두가지 과제 더 있어요. 음악, 프랑스어, 체육 과제는 Seesaw에 나올거예요.
이번주 금요일은 휴일이니 모든 과제를 목요일까지 끝내고 제출하세요

Remember, to submit your work to me, you may:
complete the attached assignments (from me) in a Word document or PowerPoint on Onedrive and share them with me, or
do them on a separate paper and take a picture of them to share with me by email, on Onedrive, or on SeeSaw.
과제는 윈드라이브의 파워포인트나 워드로 작성해서 공유해도 되고, 종이에 해서 사진 찍어서 메일보내거나 원드라이브, Seesaw에 포스트 해도 됩니다.

IMPORTANT: Here is the science Link 'n Think for simple machines.  Click on the following URL to access it.
(링크는 제가 지웠어요)

Then you have to download it to be able to interact with it. 
After that it should work fine.
과학과제 링크를 클릭하고 다운로드받으세요.
그러면 잘 열릴겁니다

I've attached the booklet Simple Machines Book Template to do with it.


I know you are itching to get started so here is Today’s Wake Up…
시작하고싶어서 근질거리는거 압니다. 오늘의 웨이크업 퀴즈는요
(몸이 근질거린다는 표현이 영어에도 있었군요!)

Respond to the following questions in complete sentences, based on your thoughts, experiences and feelings during the first week of School-At-Home (before Spring Break):
아래의 질문에 완전한 문장으로 대답하세요. 봄방학 전 온라인학습 첫주에 대한 소감.

How was the first week of School-At-Home for you? (March 23-27)

What was different from a regular school week for you?

What did you accomplish?

What did you learn?

What did you enjoy?

What did you find difficult?

What would you like to celebrate?  

What you are thankful for? (List everything you can think of)

What in that first week would you like to change to improve your learning this week?

What did you enjoy the most during Spring Break?

(I realize these questions may have been easier to answer on Friday, March 27 before Spring Break.  Try your best to remember your thoughts, experiences and feelings.)
지난 3월27일에 이 질문에 답하기 쉬웠겠다라는걸 지금 깨달았네요. 당시 생각과 느낌, 경험을 잘 기억해보세요.

In order to keep this email brief, I will be sending important SeeSaw information in a separate email this afternoon.  Monday emails will usually be a little longer to explain the assignments for that week.  Normally, my emails will be brief during the week.
Seesaw 관련해서 오후에 메일을 또 보낼거예요. 보통 월요일의 메일은 그 주 과제 설명하느라 좀 길거예요.

I am in a staff meeting online right now but will be available later this morning.
나는 이제 온라인 스탭미팅이 있어서 늦은 아침에 메일보내는게 가능할거예요.

Remember: Stay active, wash your hands well regularly, don’t touch your face, take regular breaks, connect with family and contact friends at a distance.

Take Care,

기억하세요. 안전하게 잘지내고, 평소처럼 손 잘 씻고, 얼굴 만지지않기, 휴식 가지기, 가족/친구들과 거리는 있지만 연결되어있기.